Saturday 26 October 2013

General Discoveries

Since beginning this blog a matter of a few days ago I'd say I've been able to find out quite a lot about self publishing, mainly through the use of twitter and following shared links posted by others. If nothing else it means all the hours this week I've spent using social media have been worth it, which is saying something...and cleverly I have bookmarked all my sources of information...

Being quite clueless about the whole issue to begin with in my mind I feel I've come quite a long way to understanding how things are...for example just because you have followers on twitter it doesn't necessarily mean you're reaching a potential audience for your future book...

My next immediate stage is proof reading and getting a trusted person to go over the draft. After that comes the challenge of formatting the eBook, but from what I've heard it should be pretty easy.

I'm also considering going to see an author at my local library on Friday...I'm hoping it will prove to be useful for me...

Just writing here as a note to myself after publishing: Find appropriate reviewers online, online blogs. I have a few bookmarked that I might approach...

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